Complete the simple guide where there is not a single extra question. The self-employed will also receive overviews for health and social insurance.
All required documents
Employees will receive tax returns and self-employed persons will also receive health and social insurance reports. The documents are in XML and PDF format ready to be sent online or delivered offline.
Help with sending
We will provide you with instructions on where to send/take the documents. We enclose the necessary documents, affidavits, office addresses, account numbers, constant symbols, new deposit amounts, etc.
Protecting your sensitive data
Your data is safe, communication is encrypted and secure. It's up to you whether you want to register and save your data for next time or complete your return without registering.
Guarantee of the correct calculation
The calculations are verified. We have more than 100,000 satisfied users.
A refund guarantee
In case of dissatisfaction with the application we will refund you money. A satisfied customer is the best advertisement.
Is the app for me?
We're here for you if:
You are an employee, self-employed/working pensioner, working student.
You have rental income
You have income from capital assets.
You submit documents in person or online
But we can't advise you if:
You lived in 2024 for more than half a year outside the Czech Republic.
You have an atypical situation and you need a tax advisor.
What do you need before you start filling in?
Prepare a certificate of taxable income or the amount you have invoked for 2024.
Fill in a simple tax world with help, control and examples.
You will get a tax return, all the annexes and the confirmation you need to the authorities and instructions on where to send the documents.
Submit and wait for the overpayment or pay the arrears for taxes, self-employed and health insurance or social security.
How the app works
Select from the list
everything you do
simple questions
Upload attachments
directly into the form
Check the data and pay
card online
You can find the submission documents in
your profile or E-mail!
File your return and pay your taxes
easily online.